4 easy ways to create a positive company culture and why its important

5. Company Culture.png

Summary: Company culture is the intangible, unobservable part that shapes your identity as a business and influences its operation. We look at ways to create a positive company culture that will hopefully take your business to the next level. 


We already have mentioned that “company culture is about more than having a fussball table and going to the pub together on a Friday afternoon!'' and we still believe in it. Culture by definition is a blend of ideas, attitudes and qualities that differentiate one business from another.  


We don’t say that a round of fussball or a Friday afternoon pub hangout would do any harm, but company culture is about much more than having a bit of fun occasionally. Yes, fun is the secret ingredient that makes our work days easier, sometimes bearable, but add too little of it and it can lead to employee burnout. Add too much of it, and suddenly you may not be taken seriously.  


So, how do you create a positive company culture that will elevate your business? The answer is not always simple, but a few straightforward changes can go a long way. 


1. Start by communicating well.

It is often due to poor communication that the employer-employee relationship suffers. Always give transparent explanations and provide as much info on the background of the situation/issue as possible. Simplifying your message and giving your employees the freedom to ask questions will provide them with a good overall experience.  


2. Be open for suggestions.

Sometimes certain aspects of business need changing or improvement. Give a voice to your employees to empower them. Ask them for suggestions or recommendations. Provide them with your feedback and make sure you always exchange fresh ideas. 


3. Be a good listener.

Create a space where employees will feel comfortable to share their opinions, suggestions or even concerns. You can either use a particular platform, or separate channels to encourage them to speak up, as this will make them feel valued. 


4. Keep your promises.

Remain consistent during the process of implementation of your practices and after you’ve established them! A culture that does not have its values aligned and that does not keep promises made from the very beginning might appear as dishonest and directly affect the hiring process or worse drive employees away. 



Company culture is the silent engine that moves your company in the direction you’re headed. Spending time and resources to improve it is never a waste.  


Our word of advice is that balancing your company values and goals with the needs of your employees is a great way to keep things moving. The thing that can complicate things for some is realising that company culture is not set in stone. It is bound to change, and as it changes it challenges you to do the same. You as the leader are the only person who has the right recipe for the company culture you desire.Therefore, it is more than important to continually work on it and invest in it. A Fussball table can be a good start, but to create and maintain a successful company culture is a very different game. 


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